I had some trouble getting ScrotWM to recognise some other XF86* key-bindings (mainly the volume buttons), so I installed xbindkeys and configured the shortcuts with that.
So I set-up a script in /usr/local/bin/ and called it "xrandr-cycle".
There are four display modes I could imagine would be of use to me:
- Show all external displays as being right-of the laptop's own display.
- Show the same picture on all displays.
- Show output on the external displays only (useful for docking).
- Turn all external displays off and only use the internal display.
if [ "$1" == "--help" ];then
echo "`basename $0` - this script is intended to cycle trough all the different display modes"
exit 0
#basenline variables
_internaloffset="`xrandr -q | grep -A 1 $_internaldisplay | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'x' -f1`"
#working part
xrandr -q | cut -d' ' -f1-3 | grep -v "Screen" | while read _monitor _status _mode;do
if [ -z "$_monitor" ] || [ "$_status" == "disconnected" ];then
if [ "$_monitor" == "$_internaldisplay" ] && [ "$_mode" == "(normal" ]; then
elif [ "$_monitor" == "$_internaldisplay" ] && [ "$_mode" != "(normal" ]; then
if $_internal && [ "$_mode" == "(normal" ];then
echo "Internal online and $_monitor offline - showing right-of"
xrandr --output $_monitor --right-of $_internaldisplay --auto
nitrogen --restore
elif $_internal && [ "`echo $_mode | cut -d'+' -f2`" == "$_internaloffset" ];then
echo "Internal online and $_monitor right-of - showing same"
xrandr --output $_internaldisplay --off
xrandr --auto
nitrogen --restore
elif $_internal && [ "`echo $_mode | cut -d'+' -f2`" == "0" ];then
echo "Internal online and $_monitor online - turning internal off"
xrandr --output $_internaldisplay --off
nitrogen --restore
elif ! $_internal;then
echo "Internal offline - turning internal on and evrything else off"
xrandr --output $_internaldisplay --auto
xrandr --output $_monitor --off
nitrogen --restore
If you would like to use it for your own systems, be sure to change the _internaldisplay
variable to the correct value.P.S. Yes I know one could get the
using some sed or awk magic, but I have yet to master those and this also works.P.P.S. After having seen a video about licensing I should add one to this script as well. Since this is stupid/simple Bash, BSD should be more than enough.